Explain SuperSPARC Register in detail

Mumbai University > Computer Engineering > Sem-5 > Microprocessor

Marks: 5

Year: 2016

1 Answer

General Purpose Register:

  1. General Purpose Registers are also called as Working Data Registers.

  2. It includes Integer Unit’s ‘r’ registers & Floating Point Unit’s ‘f’ registers.

Integer Unit Control/Status Register:

It includes:

I) Processor State Register (PSR):

 It is 32 it register.

 It contains various fields that control and hold status information.

 The privileged instructions RDPSR & WRPSR are used to read & write the PSR respectively.

II) Window Invalid Mask (WIM):

 WIM register works with the register windowing mechanisms of the Sun SPARC Processor.

 It is used to determine a window overflow or underflow has taken place.

III) Trap Base Register (TBR):

 This register contains 3 fields that determines the address to which the control is to be transferred in case of occurrence of trap.

 The TBR can be written by the instruction WRTBR.

IV) Multiple/Divide Register (Y):

 It is 32 bit register.

 It contains most significant word of the double precision product of an integer multiplication & double precision dividend for an integer divide instruction.

V) Program Counter (PC, nPC):

 It is 32 bit register.

 PC contains the address of the instruction currently being executed by the Integer Unit.

 nPC holds the address of the next instruction to be executed.

VI) Ancillary State Register (ASR):

 SPARC provides 31 Ancillary Registers.

 ASR’s numbered from 1 to 15 are reserved for future use by the architecture and should not be referenced by software.

 ASR’s numbered from 16 to 31 are available for implementation-dependent uses such as timers, counters, diagnostic registers, self-test registers and trap-control register.

VII) IU Deferred-Trap Queue:

 The contents and operation of an IU Deferred-Trap Queue are implementation dependent and are not visible to user application programs.

Floating Point Unit Control/Status Register:

I) FPU ‘f’ Register:

 It is 32 bit register.

 A single ‘f’ register can hold one single-precision operand.

II) Floating Point State Register (FSR):

 FSR register field contain FPU Mode and Status Information.

 The FSR is read and written by the STFSR & LDFSR.

III) Floating Point Deferred Trap Queue (FQ):

 Floating Point Deferred Trap Queue, if present in implementation, contains sufficient state information to implement resumable, deferred floating point traps.

 If floating point instructions execute synchronously with integer instructions, provision of a floating point queue is optional.

Co-Processor Control/Status Register:

  1. All of the co-processor data and control/status registers are optional.

  2. Co-processor Control/Status Registers are implementation-dependent & there structures are not fixed.

  3. It includes:

    a. Implementation-Dependent Coprocessor State Register (CSR).

    b. Implementation-Dependent Coprocessor Deferred Trap Queue (CQ).

  4. These registers are accessed via load/store coprocessor and CPop1/CPop2 format instructions.

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