How to earn your first pay in college
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Doesn’t the idea of studying and earning your own pocket money ( without having to ask your parents for it ) during college sound interesting? It surely is, because it opens up a plethora of opportunities in front of you, and a variety of jobs to try your hand at. Here are a few ways which you can take to get your first pay cheque at a young age :

1. Blogging/Content writing

If you love writing or would like to improve on your written skills, a lot of online and work from home opportunities are available today. Simply search and you will come across websites that pay a handsome amount for your articles.

2. Creating your own website

This is a long term way of earning money, by creating your own blog or website. If you have something valuable to offer to the world, do it on your own blog. It is a kind of future investment where you will reap benefits from the advertisements on your web page. The better the content, more the visits, more the number of clicks on ads, resulting in more money in your bank account.

3. Tutoring

One on one tutoring is gaining momentum, especially in cities, where parents want the very best for their kids. And they are ready to pay hefty amounts for their children to be ahead of the crowd, provided you are a good tutor. So, pick up a subject you love and pass on the knowledge.

4. A part time job

If your college doesn’t demand huge attendance, then you can try looking for a part time job like a cyber café attendant, or a photoshop person in an agency or maybe a graphic designer. If business interests you, try approaching a good firm and negotiating. No matter where you land up, be assured that learning lessons are guaranteed.

5. Fiverr gigs

A very innovative website that allows you to earn money by practically doing anything you can dream of is Fiverr. Go check it out!

6. Freelancing

You can try innumerable odd jobs like proofreading, copying, editing, translating, indexing, etc. and make good money from it.

7. YouTube channel

If you can create funny or informative videos, YouTube is the way to go. Read some tutorials on how to earn money from it and get started.

8. Sell last semester books!

Keep your newly bought books in a good physical state for 6 months ( nah, I didn’t mean don’t open the books :P )and you can earn money in the next semester from your juniors!

9. A salon for your girl friends

Girls need a salon all the time, parties, birthdays, hang outs and blah. And if a friend of theirs can do the needful, nothing like it. Develop your parlor skills and get a never ending supply of customers.

10. Selling home-made chocolates and pastries

If you love cooking, why not make some delicious candies and pastries and sell them during your college festivals or on the chocolate day?

11. Design applications

Everyone wants to be on web, small and big businesses. So if you are good at computer languages, and are passionate about coding, this is an ever expanding domain to explore.

So, make your skills and hobbies and interests work for you. Wait! Isn’t it what they call- Do a job you love, and you won’t have to work a day in your life? :)

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