Analog & Digital Circuits : Question Paper Dec 2011 - Information Technology (Semester 3) | Mumbai University (MU)
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Analog & Digital Circuits - Dec 2011

Information Technology (Semester 3)

(1) Question 1 is compulsory.
(2) Attempt any three from the remaining questions.
(3) Assume data if required.
(4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
1(a) Perform 492(10) - 275(10) in BCD using 10's complement(5 marks) 1(b)(i) Simplify: (B+BC)(B+BC)(B+D) (2 marks) 1(b)(ii) Simplify ? m (0, 1,2,3,5,7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13) using K-map(2 marks) 1(c) Implement the following using decoder
f1 (A,B,C) = ? m(0,4,7) + d(2,3)
f2 (A,B,C) = ? m(1,5,6)
f3 (A,B,C) = ? m(0,2,4,6)
(3 marks)
1(d)(i) Write the truth table and excitation table of JK flip flop.(4 marks) 1(d)(ii) Briefly explain CAD tools for Digital Design.(4 marks) 2(a) Minimize ? m(0,1,2,8,9,15,17,21,24,25,27,31) using Quine-McCluskey method. Also find most essential prime implicants.(10 marks) 2(b) Prove that NAND and NOR are universal gates.(10 marks) 3(a) Design a BCD adder.(10 marks) 3(b) Implement Full adder using 8:1 MUX(10 marks) 4(a) Design MOD 12 synchronous counter using JK flip flop.(10 marks) 4(b) Convert: -
SR to D F/F
JK to T F/F
(10 marks)
5(a) Given the logic expression AB + AC + C + AD + ABC + ABC
(i) Express in standard SOP form
(ii) Minimize using K-map and realise using only NAND gates.
(12 marks)
5(b) Implement following using only one 8:1 MUX and few gates.
(8 marks)
6(a) Design 4-bit asynchronous up/down counter.(10 marks) 6(b) Explain 4-bit bidirectional shift register. What are the uses of register?(10 marks)

Write short notes on any two of the following:-

7(a) ALU(10 marks) 7(b) Priority Encoder(10 marks) 7(c) PAL and PLA(10 marks) 7(d) VHDL features(10 marks)

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