Write short note on: Principles of business letter writing (any two).
1 Answer

Principles of business letter writings are as follows:

  • Legible-

    A business letter should be clear enough to be read and understood by the recipient. Many a times, correspondents are fascinated by the innovation. They try to use different font colures and script styles while presenting the letter in print. While submitting the handwritten applications, they write in illegible way. A good business letter should be legible and recognizable.

  • Emphatic and Empathetic-

    A business letter should be clear and definite. Moreover, a good business correspondent should understand and share the feelings and emotions of another (recipient).

  • Tactful and timely-

    A good business letter should show sensitivity and skill in dealing with others or with difficult issues. A business letter should be written timely and promptly. Also timely replies for enquiry letters show the punctuality and concern of the correspondent company. Tactfully drafted letters save the company from monitory losses and from losing the trust of the customers.

  • Edited-

    Any business letter should be edited before sending it to the recipients. The correspondent should check for spelling mistakes, structural errors, and grammatical mistakes in the letter. He should ensure whether the letter is befitting in the appropriate layout, and whether it is worthy enough to succeed in the desired business purpose. A correspondent should edit the letter efficiently. All superfluous and vague expressions should be substituted with concrete and clear expressions.

  • Responsible-

    A business letter can be used as a permanent record or as legal evidence. It should be written with utmost responsibility and concern. Irresponsible replies or claims may ruin the business relationship between customer and clients. The correspondent should be aware of the fact that he is accountable for what he writes. A flawed business letter not only show the irresponsibility and negligence of the correspondent company but it also invites legal actions against these types of companies in some cases.

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