Draw three levels of DE-D for a Supermarket App

A Customer can build Shopping List by providing Items details and the details will be stored in the Shopping Cart database.

The Warehouse database will also provide the Items details required to complete the process.

A Customer can receive Shopping list details from the View Slopping List process and such details is provided by the Shopping Cart database. A Customer can receive Items details by performing the Search Items process. Customer provide an Item name for searching and the item details are returned from the Warehouse database after searched.

1 Answer

Supermarket App:

The Project “supermarket” deals with the automation of supermarket. This software will help salespersons in managing the various types of Records pertaining to his/her customer. The product will help the user to work in a highly effective and efficient environment. The salespersons have been recording the customer information in the past and even in the present through their personal manual efforts. And indeed, it consumes their considerable time and energy that could be utilized in the better productive activities. Apart from that, with increasing customer Strength, the task of managing information of each individual customer is indeed a cumbersome task. There is a lot of reason for the introduction of this project. In the manual System, there are number of inefficiencies that a salesperson faces. The information retrieval is one of the foremost problems. It is very difficult to gather the overall performance reports of the customer. Large records-books have to be maintained where relevant and irrelevant information has to be stored which is very untidy and clumsy process. On the other hand, there are many inherent problems that exist in any manual system. Usually, they lack efficiency. Less efficiency has a great impact on the productivity of any human being keeping the data up-to-date.The4 automation deals with all such problems and tries to remove them in the best suitable fashion. The new system will cater to the need of the salespersons of any supermarket so that they can manage the system efficiently. The project “supermarket” is developed with the objective of making the system reliable, easier, fast, and more informative.



  • Lack of security of data.
  • More man power.
  • Time consuming.
  • Consumes large volume of pare work.
  • Needs manual calculations.
  • No direct role for the higher officials.
  • Damage of machines due to lack of attention.

To avoid all these limitations and make the working more accurately the system needs to be computerized.


Supermarket caters to the needs of the salespersons. It’s easy for the user to meet the challenges of managing their records and retrieval of useful information. The application covers the area of client information, invoice, vendor, product etc and product in hand and delivered information. The system revolves around the menu of the items available. The user can browse through the menu to get the desired information. The project is very flexible because it allows the user to get information in Various possible categories. Everything is done dynamically. All the details are stored into appropriate database. The functionality of the proposed system includes the following: Customer information Vendor information Product information Quantity in hand Delivered stock The user can find relevant data in each module itself. He/she can modify, delete, update, view, or inset new data as when required. Performing these tasks is a very simple task in the product and the user can do it quite easily. The database is connected dynamically to front-end so that any changes made to database are immediately reflected to the user.

DFD Level 0

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DFD Level 1

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DFD Level 2

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