What are the drawbacks of Delta modulation and how are they overcome by ADM.

Mumbai University > Computer Engineering > Sem 3 > Electronic Circuits and Communication Fundamentals

Marks: 5 Marks

Year: Dec 2013

1 Answer

Delta modulation has two major drawbacks that are:

  1. Slope overload distortion

    This distortion arises because of large dynamic range of input signal. To reduce this error, the step size must be increased when slope of signal x(t) is high. Since the step size of delta modulator remains fixed, its maximum or minimum slopes occur along straight lines. Therefore, this modulator is known as Linear Delta Modulator (LDM).

  2. Granular noise

    Granular noise occurs when step size is too large compared to small variations in the input signal. This means that for very small variations in the input signal, the staircase signal is changed by large amount because of large step size. The error between the input and approximated signal is called granular noise. The solution to this problem is to make step size small. Adaptive Delta Modulation

    To overcome the quantization error due to slope overload distortion and granular noise, the step size (Δ) is made adaptive to variations in input signal x(t). Particularly in the step segment of the x(t) , the step size is increased. Also, if the input is varying slowly, the step size is reduced. Then this method is known as Adaptive Delta Modulation (ADM). The adaptive delta modulators can take continuous changes in the step size or discrete changes in the step size

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