Software Engineering : Question Paper May 2012 - Computer Engineering (Semester 6) | Mumbai University (MU)
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Software Engineering - May 2012

Computer Engineering (Semester 6)

(1) Question 1 is compulsory.
(2) Attempt any three from the remaining questions.
(3) Assume data if required.
(4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
1 A system in designed for evaluation of various tenders received by an organisation. It had various steps like data entry fof bids, preparation of loweest bid document, entry of actula orders with actual prices negotiated, preparation of deviation document that will record all differences between lowest bid UNIX and is being proposed to changed to a GUI and windows based system. Draw data flow diagram (level 0,1,2,3) and control flow diagram describing all details.(20 marks) 2 (a) Explain software configuration management in details.(10 marks) 2 (b) Compare and contrast coupling and cohesion.(10 marks) 3 (a) Explain risk identification, risk projection and RMMM plan in detail.(10 marks) 3 (b) Explain how Gantt chart can be used for planning and controlling for small project with examples. What are the limitations of Gantt chart?(10 marks) 4 (a) Explain various steps involved in SRS for case study in question 1.(10 marks) 4 (b) What is feasible study? Explain its types, contents and purpose.(10 marks)

Difference between:

5 (a) White box and black box testing.(10 marks) 5 (b) Component based and spiral based model.(10 marks) 6 (a) Explain project scheduling and tracing with any suitable example.(10 marks) 6 (b) Explain software project plan with reference to question one.(10 marks)

Write short notes on (any two)

7 (a) CMM and Key Process areas.(10 marks) 7 (b) Security Engineering.(10 marks) 7 (c) Reengineering.(10 marks) 7 (d) Design Concept and Principles.(10 marks)

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