Explain the following term as applied to rolling contact bearings: i) Rated life ii) Basic static load rating iii) Basic dynamic load rating

Mumbai University > Mechanical Engineering > Sem 7 > Machine Design 2

Marks: 5M

Year: Dec 2016

1 Answer

Rated life

Rating life of a group of apparently identical ball bearings is defined as the no. of revolutions that 90% bearings will complete or exceed before first evidence of fatigue crack.

Static load carrying capacity(rating):

Static load carrying capacity of bearing is defined as the static load which corresponds to a total permanent deformation of ball and races, at the most heavily stressed point of contact, equal to 0.0001 d (d = ball dia)

Dynamic load rating

It is radial load in radial bearing (or thrust load in thrust bearing) which if applied to the bearing would give same life as that which the bearing will attain under actual condition of forces.

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