Contibution of F.W Taylor in IE

Mumbai University > Mechanical Engineering > SEM 8 > Industrial Engineering and Management

Marks: 5M

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F.W TAYLOR also lnown as father of scientific management had developed management principles scientifically. After the industrial revolution the workforce increased by multiple times in the industries and the managerial level personnel were only supervising on them and productivity measures were not been taken care of. Theere was no parameter set made to measure productivity and improvement upon.

Taylor contributed by virtue of his “Motion and Time study”Where the whole lot of work is broken down into elements.For example to turn the job on a lathe bmachine, first step is to hold the job in chuck, clamp the tool, adjust the speed, depth of cut, move the tool axially with controlled feed, inspect the job etc.

Each job time calculated will finally result into the overall job completion time which is known as standard time. Based on this the prodution rate was decided and id given to worker as targets.

After the industrial revolution in 19th century the term mass poroduction came into existence giving birth to systematic study of procedure used to produce the products. The total industrail activites are been divided into various specialized fields and management was been intoduced as the apex body of decision making.

These targets were giving the productivity measure of a worker or a worker or a team and those who are not able to complete their targerts they have to undergo the trainig or their wedges were cut down. The incentives and rewards were given to worker or task force who achieves or exceeds the targets.

Taylor set the management principle like: set the standards to the production,measure the productivity,decide the incentive policy based upon them,arrange training programmes for workers and develop good relations amongs the workers and company management.

Method study and work measurement are two principle activities of work study which originated in the work of F.W Taylor “scientific management” imperative are to investigate the work situation and identify weaknesses for finding where and why is poor performance happennig.

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