What is dynamometry? state the different dynamometers.

Subject: Production Process 2

Topic: Metal Cutting

Difficulty: Medium

1 Answer

Dynamometer : -

  • A dynamometer, or "dyno" for short, is a device for measuring force, moment of force (torque), or power. For example, the power produced by an engine, motor or other rotating prime mover can be calculated by simultaneously measuring torque and rotational speed (rpm).

  • A dynamometer can also be used to determine the torque and power required to operate a driven machine such as a pump. In that case, a motoring or driving dynamometer is used.

  • A dynamometer that is designed to be driven is called an absorption or passive dynamometer.

  • A dynamometer that can either drive or absorb is called a universal or active dynamometer.

  • A dyno, apart from measuring torque and power, can also be used as a test-bed for different types of engine-related activities such as calibration of engine management controllers, deep investigation of combustion behaviour and tribology.

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Types of Dynamometer : -

A dynamometer can be classified into two types -

  1. Power absorption dynamometer
  2. Power transmission dynamometer

  • Power absorption dynamometer -

    • Power Absorption dynamometers measure and absorb the power output of the engine to which they are coupled.

    • The power absorbed is usually dissipated as heat by some means.

    • Examples of power absorption dynamometers are Prony brake dynamometer, Rope brake dynamometer, Eddy current dynamometer, Hydraulic dynamometer, etc.

  • Power transmission dynamometer -

    • In power transmission dynamometers the power is transmitted to the load coupled to the engine after it is indicated on some scale.

    • These are also called torque meters.

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