Short note on 1)SWOT 2)Advanced Search Techniques

Subject: Advanced Internet Technology

Topic: Search Engine Optimazation

Difficulty: Medium

1 Answer

1. SWOT Analysis

  • SWOT analysis is a structured planning tool for performing internal and external analysis. This can be carried out for product/service, place, organization, industry or a person. It is a technique for understanding your Strengths and Weaknesses, and for identifying both the Opportunities and Threats.

  • It helps you focus on your strengths, minimizes threats, and takes the greatest possible advantage of opportunities available to you. This can be a solution for problems, helps in identifying the barriers which are limiting your goals and ensures effective decision making with the steps to face change externally or internally.

2. Advanced Search Techniques

  • (-Keyword) Exclude the keyword from search result

  • (+Keyword) Include the keyword in search result.

  • ("Keyword Phrase") Search result should exactly contains the given phrase

  • (Keyword1) or (Keyword2) Search results should at least contain one of them.

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