Determine the straims ex,ey,exy and corresponding element stresses.

A CST element has nodal co-ordinates (10, 10), (70, 35) and (75, 25) for node 1, 2 and 3 respectively. the element is 2mm thick and is of material with properties E= 70 GPa.Poission ratio is 0.3. After applying the load to the element the hodal defermation were found $u_1=0.01mm$ $u_2=0.03mm$ $u_3=-0.02mm$ $v_1=-0.04mm$ $v_2=0.02mm$ $v_3=-0.04mm$

Subject: Finite Element Analysis

Topic: Two Dimensional Vector Variable Problem

Difficulty: Medium

1 Answer

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a) Jacobian matrix
$\begin{bmatrix}J\end{bmatrix}=\begin{bmatrix}(x_2-x_1)&(y_2-y_1) \\ (x_3-x_1)&(y_3-y_1) \end{bmatrix}$

$\hspace{1cm}=\begin{bmatrix} 60&25\\65&15 \end{bmatrix}$

b)Strain displacement relation matrix is given by,
$\begin{Bmatrix}e_x\\e_y\\\delta_{xy} \end{Bmatrix}=\frac{1}{2A}\begin{bmatrix}\beta_1&0&\beta_2&0&\beta_3&0 \\ 0&\gamma_1&0&\gamma_2&0&\gamma_3 \\ \gamma_1&\beta_1&\gamma_2&\beta_2&\gamma_3&\beta_3\end{bmatrix}\begin{Bmatrix}u_1\\v_1\\u_2\\v_2\\u_3\\v_3 \end{Bmatrix}$



$2A=\begin{vmatrix}1&x_1&y_1\\1&x_2&y_2\\1&x_3&y_3 \end{vmatrix}$ $=\begin{vmatrix}1&10&10\\1&70&35\\1&75&25 \end{vmatrix}$
$\therefore 2A=-725$

$\begin{Bmatrix}e_x\\e_y\\\delta_{xy} \end{Bmatrix}=\frac{1}{-725}\begin{bmatrix}10&0&15&0&-25&0 \\ 0&5&0&-65&0&60 \\ 5&10&-65&15&60&-25 \end{bmatrix}\begin{Bmatrix}0.01 \\ -0.05 \\0.03 \\0.02 …

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