Differentiate between TCP/IP and OSI.
1 Answer

Difference between TCP/IP and OSI Models

Sr.No Topic OSI Model TCP/IP Model
1 Representation It refers to Open Systems Interconnection. It refers to Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol.
2 Development It is developed by ISO (International Standard Organization) in 1984. It is developed by ARPANET (Advanced Research Project Agency Network) In 1982.
3 Era of Concept Concept of OSI defined after the advent of the Internet. Concept of TCP/IP defined before the advent of the internet.
4 Basic Feature OSI model is a conceptual model that characterizes and standardizes communication. TCP/IP prepares and forwards data packets over a network.
5 Approach It follows a vertical approach. It follows a horizontal approach.
6 Number of Layers It has seven layers. It has four layers.
7 Header Size The minimum size of the OSI header is 5 bytes. The minimum size of the TCP/IP header is 20 bytes.
8 Reliability It is less reliable It is more reliable
9 Boundaries Boundaries of the OSI model are very strict. Boundaries of TCP/IP are not strict as the OSI model.
10 Differentiable Points It provides a clear distinction between interfaces, services, and protocols. It doesn’t have any clear distinguishing points between services, interfaces, and protocols.
11 Routing Standards & Protocol Defined over the network layer Defined over the Internet layer.
12 Connection Approaches It provides both connection and connectionless oriented transmission in the network layer; however, only connection-oriented transmission is in the transport layer. It provides connectionless transmission in the network layer and supports connecting and connectionless-oriented transmission in the transport layer.
13 Physical & Data Link Layer Both are separate layers in the OSI model. Both are combined as a single host-to-network layer in the TCP/IP model.
14 Session & Presentation Layers Both layers are present in the OSI model. Both layers are absent in TCP/IP model. Both layers are included in the application layer.
15 Service Quality It provides quality services. It does not provide quality services.
16 Dependency on Protocols OSI is a generic, protocol-independent standard. The OSI model was developed first, and then protocols were created to fit the network according to the requirements. TCP/IP model depends on standard protocols. The protocols were created first and then built the TCP/IP model.
17 Flexibility of protocols Protocols in the OSI model are hidden and therefore can be easily replaced when the technology changes. In this model, the protocol cannot be easily replaced.
18 Form of use It is used as a communication gateway between the network and the end-user. It is used as a communication protocol that provides the connection among the hosts.
19 Usefulness This is model used fewer times. This model is used most of the time.
20 Standardization It provides standardization to the devices like routers, motherboards, switches, and other hardware devices. It does not provide standardization to the devices. It provides a connection between various computers.
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