Differentiate between TCP and UDP.
1 Answer

Difference between TCP and UDP Models : -

Sr.No Topic TCP UDP
1 Meaning TCP stands for Transmission Control Protocol UDP stands for User Datagram Protocol
2 Definition It is a communications protocol, using which the data is transmitted between systems over the network. In this, the data is transmitted into the form of packets. It is same as the TCP protocol except this doesn’t guarantee the error-checking and data recovery.
3 Connection status Requires an established connection to transmit data (connection should be closed once transmission is complete) Connectionless protocol with no requirements for opening, maintaining, or terminating a connection
4 Data sequencing Able to sequence. Unable to sequence.
5 Design TCP is a connection oriented protocol. UDP is a connection less protocol.
6 Guaranteed delivery It can guarantee delivery of data to the destination router It cannot guarantee delivery of data to the destination
7 Header Size The size of TCP is 20 bytes. The size of the UDP is 8 bytes.
8 Retransmission of data Retransmission of lost packets is possible No retransmission of lost packets
9 Error checking Extensive error checking and acknowledgment of data Basic error checking mechanism using checksums
10 Method of transfer Data is read as a byte stream; messages are transmitted to segment boundaries UDP packets with defined boundaries; sent individually and checked for integrity on arrival
11 Speed Slower than UDP Faster than TCP
12 Broadcasting Does not support Broadcasting Does support Broadcasting
13 Optimal Use Used by HTTPS, HTTP, SMTP, POP, FTP, etc Video conferencing, streaming, DNS, VoIP, etc
14 Applications This protocol is mainly used where a secure and reliable communication process is required, like military services, web browsing, and e-mail. This protocol is used where fast communication is required and does not care about the reliability like VoIP, game streaming, video and music streaming, etc.
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