The line AB 60 mm long is inclined at an angle $25^0 $to the HP and $40^0$ to the VP. Its end A is 10 mm above the HP and 20 mm in front of the VP.

The line AB 60 mm long is inclined at an angle $25^0$ to the HP and $40^0$to the VP. Its end A is 10 mm above the HP and 20 mm in front of the VP. Draw the projections of line AB. Assume both ends A and B are in I quadrant.

1 Answer


(TL) = a’b’1 (in FV) = ab2 (in TV)

A is above HP = a’ (↑)

A is below HP = a’ (↓)

A is in front of VP = a (→)

A is in behind VP = a (←)

Front View (FV) = a’b’

Top View (TV) = ab

Elevation Length (EL) = a’b2’

Plan Length (PL) = ab1

True inclination of line with HP = θ

True inclination of line with VP = Φ

Inclination of FV with XY line = α

Inclination of TV with XY line = β

Q. 1

Ans –

Given Data:-

True Length (TL) = a’b1’ = ab2 = 60 mm

A is 10 mm above HP = a’ (↑) = 10 mm

A is 15 mm in front of VP = a (→) = 15 mm

θ = 25°

Φ = 40°

Follow the procedure given below step by step to draw the projection of line –

  1. Draw XY line.

  2. Mark a’ and a at 10 mm above XY line and 15 mm below XY line respectively.

  3. Draw horizontal line from a’ and a.

  4. Draw a line of true length (TL) = 60 mm from point a’ at an angle of 25° (a’b1’).

  5. Draw a line of true length (TL) = 60 mm from point a’ at an angle of 40° (ab2).

  6. Take the projection of b1’ into TV (Draw a vertical line from point b1’) which will cut the horizontal line passing through point a . Mark that point b1, ab1 is your plan length (PL).

  7. Take the projection of b2 into FV (Draw a vertical line from point b2) which will cut the horizontal line passing through point a’ . Mark that point b2’, a’b2’ is your elevation length (EL).

  8. Draw a horizontal line from point b1’, that is your locus of b’.

  9. Draw a horizontal line from point b2, that is your locus of b.

  10. Taking a’ as center and a’b2’ as radius draw an arc which will cut the locus of b’, mark that point b’. Join a’b’, that is your FV.

  11. Taking a as centre and ab1 as radius draw an arc which will cut the locus of b, mark that point b. Join ab, that is your TV. enter image description here

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