Define the following:Seismograph, Haptics, Capacitor, Set square, spectroscope, Voltmeter, X ray machine iii) Mobile phone

Subject: Communication Skills

Topic: Technical writing

Difficulty: Medium

1 Answer

a) Seismograph - It is an instrument that measures and records details of earthquakes, such as force and duration.

b) Haptics - It is a form of nonverbal communication and the way by which people and animals communicate via touching.

c) Capacitor - It is a device used to store an electric charge, consisting of one or more pairs of conductors separated by an insulator.

d) Set square - It is right-angled triangular plate for drawing lines, especially at 90°, 45°, 60°, or 30°. OR It is a form of T-square with an additional arm turning on a pivot for drawing lines at fixed angles to the head.

e) Spectroscope - It is an apparatus for producing and recording spectra for examination.

f) Voltmeter - It is an instrument used to measure voltage.

g) X ray machine - It is a machine which produces X ray, which are electromagnetic radiation that deferentially penetrates structures within the body and creates images of these structures on photographic film or a fluorescent screen.

h) Mobile phone- It is a wireless handheld device that allows users to make calls and send text messages, among other features.

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