Construction Engineering Question Paper - May 2014 - Civil Engineering (Semester 8) - Mumbai University (MU)
1 Answer

Construction Engineering - May 2014

MU Civil Engineering (Semester 8)

Total marks: --
Total time: --
(1) Assume appropriate data and state your reasons
(2) Marks are given to the right of every question
(3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary

Answer the following

1 (a) Enlist grouting materials, grouting equipments & grouting methods used for grouting. 4 marks

1 (b) Explain the use of shaft in tunnelling. 4 marks

1 (c) What is economic life of an equipment? Explain. 4 marks

1 (d) Explain any one type of crane 4 marks

1 (e) Explain the working of power shovel 4 marks

2 (a) Explain the method of tunnelling in soft rock by 'Needle beam method' in detail. 4 marks

2 (b) Enlist all types of drilling equipments & explain any one drilling equipment in detail. 4 marks

3 (a) Determine hourly owning & operating cost of a machine from the data given below.
(a) Purchase Cost = Rs. 30 Lakhs.
(b) Useful Life = 12 years.
(c) Investment Cost = 20% of avg. Investment.
(d) Actual working = 3000 hours/ year.
(e) Salvage value. = Rs. 3 lakhs.
(f) Engine (Diesel) = 40 HP.
(g) Operating factor = 0.7
(h) Maintenance & repairs cost = Same as depreciation amount.
(i) Lubricant cost = 25% of fuel cost.
(j) Operator's Salary = Rs. 12000/- month.
4 marks

3 (b) Explain the points to be considered while selecting a construction equipment. 4 marks

4 (a) Enlist various types of pile driving equipments. Also explain any two of them in detail. 4 marks

4 (b) What are various types of compacting equipments? Also explain all types in brief with their suitability. 4 marks

Draw neat sketches for

5 (a) (i) Stone column. 4 marks

5 (a) (ii) Grouting application. 4 marks


5 (b) (i) Pilot Tunnel 4 marks

5 (b) (ii) Lining of Tunnel. 4 marks

6 (a) A m/c is down for 4%. 6%. 8%. 10% & 12% of time respectively in first five years. Its operating cost is Rs. 1000/- hour. Machine works for 3000 hours in a year. The average productivity factor is 0.7. Workout down time cost & cumulative downtime cost. 4 marks

6 (b) (i) Explain 'Vaccum Concrete' in detail 4 marks

6 (b) (ii) Define 'Stemming'. 4 marks

Write notes on following (any five)

7 (a) Hot weather concreting 4 marks

7 (b) Concrete pump. 4 marks

7 (c) Liner plate method 4 marks

7 (d) Slip form 4 marks

7 (e) Tunnel Boring Machine. 4 marks

7 (f) Standard & special equipment. 4 marks

7 (g) Sand drain technique. 4 marks

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