Object Oriented Programming Question Paper - December 2015 - Computer Engineering (Semester 3) - Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU)
1 Answer

Object Oriented Programming - December 2015

SPPU Computer Engineering (Semester 3)

Total marks: --
Total time: --
(1) Assume appropriate data and state your reasons
(2) Marks are given to the right of every question
(3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary

Solve any one question from Q1 and Q2

1 (a) Explain the following terms with example:
i) Copy constructor
ii) Manipulator
iii) Static data members
iv) This pointer.
8 marks

1 (b) With suitable examples, demonstrate the benefits of Operator Overloading. 8 marks

2 (a) Explain why add when do we use protected Instead of Private? With suitable examples, explain different types of inheritance. 8 marks

2 (b) Explain run-time polymorphism with a suitable example. 8 marks

Solve any one question from Q3 and Q4

3 (a) What are the core services of an OS? Describe process state transition diagram. 8 marks

3 (b) What do you mean by Unformatted Console I/O Functions? What is the use of the following Unformatted Console I/O Functions?
i) Getch()
ii) Putchar()
iii) Get()
iv) Put()
8 marks

4 (a) What is C++ template? Describe type template parameters and non-type template parameters. 8 marks

4 (b) What is Process and Thread? How mapping of multiple threads on multiple cores takes place? 8 marks

Solve any one question from Q5 and Q6

5 (a) What is deadlock? What are different conditions that must be true for deadlock to happen? 8 marks

5 (b) Differentiate between pre-emptive scheduling and time slicing. 8 marks

6 (a) Explain the different attributes of the pthread_attr_t object which can be modified by the creator of the thread. 8 marks

6 (b) Write a short note on thread interface classes. 8 marks

Solve any one question from Q7 and Q8

7 (a) With suitable terminologies the following terminologies:
i) Task synchronization
ii) Critical section
iii) Semaphore
iv) Message Passing.
8 marks

7 (b) What do you mean by Thread safety? With reference to Thread safety, what do you mean by conditionally safe and Not thread safe code? 8 marks

8 (a) Explain interprocess Communication (IPC) and explain any two ways of implementing IPC. 8 marks

8 (b) Explain the use of read-write-locks to prevent race conditions and deadlocks. 8 marks

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