Sewage generation collection and conveyance

Q) A 30 cm diameter sewer having an invert slope of 1.200 was flowing hill. What would be velocity of flow and discharge ?(n=0.013). Is the velocity self cleaning? What would be the velocity and discharge when the same is flowing 0.2 and 0.8 of its full depth?

Proportionate depth (d/D) Proportionate Velocity (v/V) Proportionate Discharge (q/Q)
0.2 0.615 0.088
0.4 0.902 0.3364
0.6 1.072 0.6711
0.8 1.140 0.9781

1 Answer





To find:

1. Velocity self cleansing:-

$Q=\frac{1}{n}AR^\frac{2}{3}s\frac{1}{2}=\frac{1}{0.013}*(\frac{π }{4}*(0.3)^2)*(\frac{1}{200})^\frac{1}{2}$

$=76.92*(0.071)*0.176*0.071=0.067cumsec $

Velocity=$\frac{Q}{A}=\frac{0.067}{\frac{π }{4}*(0.3)^2}=\frac{0.067}{0.071}=0.94m/sec$

$assume \frac{q}{Q}=0.333$

From given table:-




$=0.844m/sec \gt 0.45 m/sec$

This is greater than self cleansing of 0.45m/sec

2. Velocity and discharge when the flawing with 0.2 and 0.8 of its full length:-

for, $\frac{d}{D}=0.2$



similarly, for $\frac{d}{D}=0.2$



$q=0.0059 cumecs$








$q=0.066 cumecs$

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