Draw and explain the architecture of mobile cloud computing. Also list its challenges and benefits
1 Answer

Mobile cloud computing is a new platform combining the mobile devices and cloud computing to create a new infrastructure, whereby cloud performs the heavy lifting of computing-intensive tasks and storing massive amounts of data. In this new architecture, data processing and data storage happen outside of mobile devices.

Architectures of mobile cloud computing

From the concept of MCC, the general architecture of MCC can be seen in Figure . In Figure , mobile devices are connected to the mobile networks via base stations (e.g., base transceiver station, access point, or satellite) that establish and control the connections (air links) and functional interfaces between the networks and mobile devices.

Mobile users' requests and information (e.g., ID and location) are transmitted to the central processors that are connected to servers providing mobile network services.

Here, mobile network operators can provide services to mobile users as authentication, authorization, and accounting based on the home agent and subscribers' data stored in databases. After that, the subscribers' requests are delivered to a cloud through the Internet.

In the cloud, cloud controllers process the requests to provide mobile users with the corresponding cloud services. These services are developed with the concepts of utility computing, virtualization, and service‐oriented architecture (e.g., web, application, and database servers).

The details of cloud architecture could be different in different contexts. For example, a four‐layer architecture is explained to compare cloud computing with grid computing.

Alternatively, a service‐oriented architecture, called Aneka, is introduced to enable developers to build. Microsoft.NET applications with the supports of application programming interfaces (APIs) and multiple programming models presents an architecture for creating market‐oriented clouds and proposes an architecture for web‐delivered business services.

Mobile applications leverage this IT architecture to generate the following advantages :

•Extended battery life

•Improvement in data storage capacity and processing power

•Improved synchronization of data due to “store in one place, access from anywhere” policy

•Improved reliability and scalability

•Ease of integration.

Mobile devices are connected to the mobile networks via base stations that establish and control the connections and functional interfaces between the networks and mobile devices. Mobile users’ requests and information are transmitted to the central processors that are connected to servers providing mobile network services.

The subscribers’ requests are delivered to a cloud through the Internet. In the cloud, cloud controllers process the requests to provide mobile users with the corresponding cloud services.

MCC Architecture

Advantages :

Extending battery lifetime:

Computation offloading migrates large computations and complex processing from resource-limited devices (i.e., mobile devices) to resourceful machines (i.e., servers in clouds).

Improving data storage capacity and processing power:

MCC enables mobile users to store/access large data on the cloud.

MCC helps reduce the running cost for computation intensive applications.

Improving reliability and availability :

Keeping data and application in the clouds reduces the chance of lost on the mobile devices.

Scalability :

Mobile applications can be performed and scaled to meet the unpredictable user demands.

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