Numerical based on acid value :The oil blend was analyzed for its acid value .5 mi of oil required 2.5 ml of N/100 KOH.

The oil blend was analyzed for its acid value .5 mi of oil required 2.5 ml of N/100 KOH. Find its acid value .State whether the blend can still be useful for lubrication.(density of oil is o.89)

1 Answer

Weight of oil = volume of oil in ml X density

= 5 X 0.89

= 4.45 gm

Acid value = Volume of KOH X N KOH X 56 /weight of oil

= 2.5 x 0.01 x 56 /4.45

= 0.315 mg of KOH /gm of oil

As acid value is more than 0.1 mg/gm oil is not suitable for lubrication.

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