Write short note on Conference Systems in Multimedia Security Applications
1 Answer

Conference systems

  • Each day, enterprises, governments, educational institutions, healthcare organizations, financial institutions and others are striving to be more productive and effective in their businesses. Video conferencing has become integral to their successfully achieving those goals. Yet video conferences must be secure and video participants must feel protected when sharing sensitive information during a video call.

  • A video conference is a live, visual connection between two or more people residing in separate locations for the purpose of communication, at its simplest, video conferencing provides transmission of static images and text between two locations. At its most sophisticated, it provides transmission of full-motion video images and high-quality audio between multiple location.

  • video conferencing should support encryption, and so there is a greater risk of sensitive data falling into the wrong hands. Other, more modern systems, like Webx and Google Hangouts, transmit data through a router or other server where it is decrypted and stored before being delivered. Encryption capabilities have advanced greatly, meaning there is no reason for security conscious companies to use unencrypted or outdated systems. Encryption of sorted video means that in the event of unauthorized access to video files, this wont result in exposure of sensitive data.

  • Consumer services like Apple's Face time, Google;s Hangouts and Microsoft's skype have made video conferencing ubiquitous on desktops and mobile devices that have an embedded camera.

  • In the business world, desktop video conferencing is a core component of unified communications applications and Web conferencing services, while cloud based virtual meeting room services enable organizations to deploy video conferencing with minimal infrasturcture investment.

  • For businesses, the tangible benefits of video conferencing include lower travel costs especially for employee training and shortened project times as a result of improved communications among team members.

  • The intangible benefits of video conferencing include more efficient meetings with the exchange of non-verbal communications and a stronger sense of community among business contacts, both within and between companies, as well as with customers.

  • On a personal level, the face-to-face connection adds non-verbal communication to the exchange and allows participants to develop a stronger sense of familiarity with individuals they may never actually meet in person.

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