Ground Penetration Radar
1 Answer

Ground penetration Radar (GPR) is a geographical method that use retard pulse to image the subsurface.

GPR is used for finding and detecting buried object.

GRP have a co located transmitter and receiver.

GPR is a short range pulse system for remote sensing application.

What is GPR

GPR is now a well accept geographical technique. It is a high resolution electro magnetic technique that is design that is design primary to investigation underground surface.

GPR develop over the past thirty year foe shallow high resolution investigation of the subsurface. GPR is time dependent geographical technique that can provide 3D pseudo image of the surface. Including the four dimension of Colour and can also provide accurate depth estimated for many common subsurface object.

Principle of GPR

GPR use the same fundamental physical principle as conventional retard. It use ratio wave to map structure and future buries in the ground/ man made structure.

The pulse also propagate in a shape of cone the retard technique principally detected back scattered energy from a target.

GPR is high frequency radio signal that is transmitted by the antenna and travels downward until it hit and object that has different electrical properties from the surrounding medium then it get scattered from the object and receive by the receiver antenna and stored on digital media.

The computer taken a time measure for a pulse to travel from the target which indicate it depth and location.

Component of GPR

1) Transmitter antenna

The GPR transmitted produced the short duration high power PF pulse of energy that are radiated into ground by the antenna

2) Receiver antenna

The GPR receiver receive reflected/ back scattered RF pulse of energy from the object we are located in beneath the ground.

As a general rule the frequency of antenna determine the depth of penetration and resolution- the higher the frequency the better resolution but at the expense of the depth of penetration

3) the control unit

4) Display unit

5) Power unit

6) Software

Advantages of GPR

1) high speed recording

2) Able to detect void and trenches.

3) Able to determine depth and length of target.

4) Colour also improve data quality

5) Easy to handle

6) Changeable frequency

7) Real time display unit represent cross section profile

8) Used in lot of application

Disadvantages of GPR

1) Doesn't work well in clay.

2) Terrain must be flat and even

3) High expensive survey method

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