Short note on Sobel Operator OR Sobel Mask.
1 Answer

The Sobel operator is a derivate mask and is used for edge detection. Sobel operator is also used to detect two kinds of edges in an image:

  • Vertical direction
  • Horizontal direction

In Sobel operator the coefficients of masks are not fixed and they can be adjusted according to our requirement unless they do not violate any property of derivative masks.

Following is the vertical Mask of Sobel Operator:

-1 0 1
-2 0 2
-1 0 1

When applied on an image this mask will highlight the vertical edges.

When we apply this mask on the image it prominent vertical edges. It simply works like as first order derivate and calculates the difference of pixel intensities in a edge region.

As the center column is of zero so it does not include the original values of an image but rather it calculates the difference of right and left pixel values around that edge. Also the center values of both the first and third column is 2 and -2 respectively.

This give more weight age to the pixel values around the edge region.

This increases the edge intensity and it becomes enhanced comparatively to the original image.

Following is the horizontal Mask of Sobel Operator

-1 -2 -1
0 0 0
1 2 1

Above mask will find edges in horizontal direction and it is because that zeros column is in horizontal direction. When you will convolve this mask onto an image it would prominent horizontal edges in the image. The only difference between it is that it have 2 and -2 as a center element of first and third row.

This mask will prominent the horizontal edges in an image. It also works on the principle of above mask and calculates difference among the pixel intensities of a particular edge.

As the center row of mask is consist of zeros so it does not include the original values of edge in the image but rather it calculate the difference of above and below pixel intensities of the particular edge. Thus increasing the sudden change of intensities and making the edge more visible.

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