Computer Graphics Question Paper - May 18 - Computer Engineering (Semester 4) - Mumbai University (MU)
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Computer Graphics - May 18

Computer Engineering (Semester 4)

Total marks: 80
Total time: 3 Hours

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(1) Question No. 1 is compulsory.
(2) Attempt any three of remaining five questions.
(3) Assume any suitable data if necesssary and justify the same..

Q1(a) Expalin CSG method for solid modeling.

(b) What is aliasing and Explain any one antialiasing method.

(c) Compare Raster Scan and Random Scan displays.

(d) Prove that two successive rotations are additive i.e. R1($o_{1})*R2(o_{2}$) = R($o_1 + o_2$)

Q2(a) Explain Bresenham line drawing algorithm with proper mathematical analysis and identify the pixel positions along a line between A(10,10) and B(18,16) using it.

(b) Explain the steps for 2D rotation about arbitrary point and provide a composite tansformation for the same.

Q3(a) Explain Liang Brasky line clipping algorithm. Apply the algorithm to clip the line with coordinate (30,60) and (60,20) against window (xmin,ymin) = (10,10) and (xmax.ymax)=(50,50).

(b) Expalin Sutherland Hodgman polygon clipping algorithm with suitable example and comment on its shortcoming.

Q4(a) What is Windows and viewport? Drive the window to viewprot transformation and also identify the geometric transformation involved.

(b) Explian what is meant by Bezier curve? State the various properties of Bezier curve.

Q5(a) What is meant by parallel and perpesctive projection? Derive matrix for oblique projection

(b) Explain Z Buffer algorithm for hidden surface removal.

Q6) Write a short notes on (any two)

a) Koch curve (5 marks) 00

b) Sweep representation and Octree representation
(5 marks) 00

c) Gourand and phong shading
(5 marks) 00

d) Halftonig and Dithering
(5 marks) 00

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