Drive Prandtl's universal velocity distribution equation for turbulent flow in pipes. What do you understand by velocity defect?

Derive Prandtl’s universal velocity distribution equation for turbulent flow in pipes. What do you understand by velocity defect?

(10 Marks) May-2018

Subject Fluid Mechanics 2

Topic Turbulent Flow

Difficulty Medium

1 Answer

1) $\tau = \rho l^2 (\frac{du}{dy})^2$ from this equation, the velocity distribution can be obtained if the relation between L, the mixing length and y is known.

2) Pranditl assumed that mixing length, L is linear function of the distance y from the pipe wall. i.e., L = Ky where k = 0.4 known as karma n constant.

3) Now, $\tau = \tau = \rho l^2 (\frac{du}{dy})^2$

$\tau = \rho \times (ky)^2 (\frac{du}{dy})^2$

i.e. on rearranging above equation in $\frac{du}{dy}$

we get, $\frac{du}{dy} = \sqrt \frac{\tau}{\rho k^2 y^2} = \frac{1}{ky} \sqrt \frac{\tau}{\rho }$ ---- (1)

For small values of y that is very close to the boundary of the pipe, prandtl assumed shear stress $\tau$ to be constant and approximately equal ?o

$\therefore$ putting $\tau = \tau_o \ in \ (1)$

$\therefore \frac{du}{dy} = \frac{1}{ky} \sqrt \frac{\tau \ o}{\rho }$ ---- (2)

now, $\sqrt \frac{\tau_o}{\rho }$ has dimension $\sqrt \frac{ml^{-1} T^{-2}}{ML^{-3}} = \sqrt \frac{L^2}{T^2} = \frac{L}{T}$ which is velocity, known as shear velocity (u).

Thus $\sqrt \frac{?}{\rho } = u , \ then \ \frac{du}{dy} = \frac{1}{ky} \ u$

on integrating above equation, we get,

$u = \frac{u}{k} log_e \ y + c$ ------ (3) (where c = constant of integration)

Above equation (3) shows that in turbulent flow, velocity $\alpha$ $log_e \ Y $ i.e. velocity distribution in turbulent flow is logarithmic in nature.

To find value of C, putting y = R and u = $u_{max}$ (boundary condition) in (3)


$u_{max} = \frac{u*}{k} log_e$ R + C ( R is radius of pipe)

$\therefore$ Putting (4) in (3) we get,

$u = \frac{u*}{k} \ log_e \ y + u_{max} - \frac{u*}{k} \ log_e$ R

$= u_{max} + \frac{u*}{k} \times log_e \ y - log_e$ R

$= u_{max} + \frac{u*}{0.4} log_e \ (Y/R)$ ( $because$ k = 0.4 )

$\therefore u = u max + 2.5 \ u * log_e$ (Y/R)

Above equation is called as 'prandtl's universal velocity distribution equation for turbulent flow in pipes. This equation applicable to smooth and rough pipe boundaries.

Velocity defect:

$u = u_{max} + 2.5 \ u* log_e$ (Y/R)

i.e. $u_{max} - u* + 2.5 \ u* log_e$ (R/Y)

Dividing by u*

$\therefore \frac{u_{max} = u}{u*} = 2.5 log_e$ (R/Y)

$\frac{u_{max} - u}{u*} = 2.5 \times 2.3 log_{10} (\frac{R}{Y})$

$( \because log_e \ (R/y) = 2.3 log_{10} (R/Y) )$

$\frac{u_{max} - u}{u*} = 5.75 log_{10} (R/Y)$

The difference between the maximum velocity (u max) and local velocity (u) at any point i.e. (u max - u ) is velocity defect.

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