Discuss on various ballast materials
1 Answer

Ballast :-

Ballast is the granular material usually broken stone or brick, shingle or kankar, gravel or sand. It provides a suitable foundation for the sleepers. It also holds the sleepers in their correct level and position. The lateral stability of a track depends on it.

Functions of ballast :-

Ballast performs the following functions –

  • Transfers the load from the sleepers to the subgrade and then distributes it uniformly over a larger area of the formation.
  • Holds the sleepers in position and prevents the lateral and longitudinal movement due to load transfer.
  • Imparts some degree of elasticity to the track.
  • Provides easy means of maintaining the correct levels of two lines of a track.
  • Corrects track alignment.
  • Provides good drained foundation immediately below the sleepers and help to protect the top surface of the formation.

Types of Ballast :-

  1. Broken Stone
  2. Gravel / Shingle / River Pebbles
  3. Ashes / Cinders
  4. Sand
  5. Moorum
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