Describe two types of test reports. OR What are types of test report ? Write contents of test summary report. OR Describe test reporting in detail. How to prepare a summary report ?
1 Answer

Test reporting is a means of achieving communication through the testing cycle. There are 3 types of test reporting.

1. Test incident report: A test incident report is communication that happens through the testing cycle as and when Defects are encountered .A test incident report is an entry made in the defect repository each defect has a unique id to identify incident .The high impact test incident are Highlighted in the test summary report.

2. Test cycle report: A test cycle entails planning and running certain test in cycle, each cycle using a different build of the product .As the product progresses through the various cycles it is expected to stabilize.

Test cycle report gives

  1. A summary of the activities carried out during that cycle.

  2. Defects that are uncovered during that cycle based on severity and impact

  3. Progress from the previous cycle to the current cycle in terms of defect fixed

  4. Outstanding defects that not yet to be fixed in cycle

  5. Any variation observed in effort or schedule

3. Test summary report: The final step in a test cycle is to recommend the suitability of a product for release. A report that summarizes the result of a test cycle is the test summary report.

There are two types of test summary report:

  1. Phase wise test summary ,which is produced at the end of every phase

  2. Final test summary report.

A Summary report should present

  1. Test Summary report Identifier

  2. Description : Identify the test items being reported in this report with test id

  3. Variances: Mention any deviation from test plans, test procedures, if any.

  4. Summary of results: All the results are mentioned here with the resolved incidents and their solutions.

  5. Comprehensive assessment and recommendation for release should include Fit for release assessment and recommendation of release.

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