List and describe emerging Web-Based Enterprise management (WBEM) standards.

Subject : Telecom Network Management

Topic : Network Management Tools and Applications

1 Answer

Web-based enterprise management (WBEM) is a set of industry standard that an enterprise can use to manage its info operations in the distributed computing environment in the internet.

WBEM standard is based on using web technology web server for management system and web browser for the n/w management stations in web based management the organisation model uses web server, web browser architecture.

An important part of WBEM is the common information model (CIM), a standard for defining devices and application characteristics so that system and n/w administrators and management sources in the same way.

WBEM standards provides web based approach for exchanging CIM data ? different technologies and platforms.

The WBEM standard is developed by Desktop management task force (DMTF) The c/m data is encoded using extensible markup language (XML) and usually transmitted between EBEM servers and clients using HTTP.

1. The java management extension (JMX) is an open java technology for management. it defines management architecture, application programming interfaces (APIS) and management services under a single umbrella. specification it was developed under sun microsystems JMAPI initiative.

JMI technology provides the tools for building distributed web based dynamic solutions for managing and monitoring devices, applications and service driver

2. XML is a meta-makeup language standardized by world wide web consortium (W3C) for document exchange in the web XML based n/w management is based on n/w method, which defines management info by XML and exchange of data for management in the form of an XML document and it uses an XML document processing standard method for processing data.

  • The design goals of XML emphasize simplicity generality and usuality across the internet.

  • An XML document is a string of characteristics almost every legal unicode characteristics may appear in an XML document.

  • The processor analyses the markup and passes structured info to an application.

  • The characters making upon XML document are divided into markup and content. which may be distinguished by the application of simple syntactic rules.

  • A Tag is a markup construct that begins with < and ends with >. There are 3 types of tags, start, end and empty - element tag.

  • An element is a logical document component that either begins with a start - tag and ends with a matching end- tag or consists of an empty element tag.

  • An element is a logical document component that either begins with a start-tag and end with a matching end.

3. Common object request broker architecture (COBRA) based n/w mgmt is an object oriented client server model that uses COBRA. The objects are defined using interface description language (IDL) and uses a distributed managed objects architecture.

  • It is a design specification for an object request broker (ORB) where an ORB provides the mechanism required for distributed objects to communicate with one another, whether locally or on remote devices.

  • The COBRA interface defn language IDL allows the development of language and location independent interfaces to distribute objects.

  • COBRA is often defined as software lus because it is a s/w based communication interface through which objects are located and accessed.

enter image description here

Fig. Primary components with COBRA implementation.

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