What is the probability of an electron being promoted to the conduction band in diamond

What is the probability of an electron being promoted to the conduction band in diamond at 27°C, if the bandgap is 5.6 eV wide?

1 Answer

$f(E)=\dfrac{1}{1+exp\Bigg[\Bigg(\dfrac{E_c-E_v}{2}\Bigg)\Bigg/{KT}\Bigg]}\ \ \ for\ insulator$ $As\ \ t=27\ ^{\circ}C\ =27+273=300\ K$ $Take\ K=1.38\times 10^{-23}\ J/k\ =86.25\times 10^{-6}\ eV$ $\therefore \ KT=0.026\ eV$ $Also\ \ E_g=\dfrac{E_c-E_v}{2}=5.6\ eV$ $\therefore f(E)=\dfrac{1}{1+exp\Bigg[\dfrac{5.6}{2\times 0.026}\Bigg]}=1.7\times 10^{-47}$

Since diamond is an insulator, very poor probablity.

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