Define and explain different project termination methods
1 Answer

Project termination methods are as follows:

1) Termination by Extinction: Project termination by extinction is when a project is stopped due to either its successful or unsuccessful conclusion.

Project termination by extinction could happen in the following cases:

  • The project has met its scope and the client or end-user has accepted the project outcome.
  • The project has been superseded by external developments like a market crisis, technological advancements, etc.
  • The project has failed to achieve its goal.

2) Project Termination by Addition: The majority of projects that are undertaken are done ‘in-house’, which means that they are worked on by the project team for the project outcome to be used by the parent organization. In project termination by addition, if a project is a success, the project may be terminated by institutionalizing it as a formal part of that parent organization.

3) Project Termination by Integration: In the case of project termination by integration, the project that is being aborted is either integrated into other larger projects that are underway or becomes part of the ongoing operation of the organization. In this case project resources are redistributed and the project as a whole loses both its purpose and identity as an individual project.

4) Project Termination by Starvation: Project termination by starvation can occur for several reasons. These reasons could include things such as politics, placated sponsors, or even just general budget cuts. Many argue that project termination by starvation is not an act of termination at all. Many believe that termination by starvation is in reality a willful form of neglect. Termination by starvation is the act of depriving a project of necessary resources it needs to sustain its ongoing activities.

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