Explain the difference Between Contact, Proximity and Projection Printing.
1 Answer


Contact Proximity Projection Printing.
Reduced mask life Average mask life Increased mask life
High detect density in the printed pattern Poor Eliminates defect as there is no direct contact Good No defects
A photomask containing a pattern for an entire wafer is brought into contact with the wafer to be patterned A small gap of 10 to $25 \mathrm{um}$ is kept in between the wafer and mask Avoids mask damage entirely An image of the mask is projected onto resist coated chafer
Misalignment at the edges w.r.t. Centre Alignment accuracy is good
Introduction of defects in the resist and mask Increased diffraction effects and hence a limit on the min. feature size that can be printed. wafer is separated from the mask by several cm steps of repeat pry system

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