Data Structures & Algorithms : Question Paper Dec 2015 - Electronics & Telecom Engineering (Semester 3) | Pune University (PU)
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Data Structures & Algorithms - Dec 2015

Electronics & Telecom Engineering (Semester 3)

(1) Question 1 is compulsory.
(2) Attempt any four from the remaining questions.
(3) Assume data wherever required.
(4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Solve any one question from Q1 and Q2

1 (a) Write a C function for linear search. Discuss its time complexity.(6 marks) 1 (b) How can a polynomial be stored using an array? Explain with example.(6 marks) 2 (a) Explain parameter passing by value and passing parameter by reference with suitable example.(6 marks) 2 (b) Explain selection sort algorithm.(6 marks)

Solve any one question from Q3 and Q4

3 (a) What is doubly linked list? Explain insert operation in doubly linked list.(6 marks) 3 (b) Evaluate the following postfix expression using stack
6 2 3 + - 3 8 2 / + * 2 ∧
(note: ∧ stands for power and all operands are single digit).
(7 marks)
4 (a) What is singly linked list? Explain traversal operation in singly linked list.(7 marks) 4 (b) Write a short note on circular queue. Compare it with linear queue.(6 marks)

Solve any one question from Q5 and Q6

5 (a) What is Binary Search Tree (BST)? Explain the following operations in BST:
i) Searching a value is BST
ii) Inserting a new value in BST.
(7 marks)
5 (b) What is AVL tree? Define Balance factor. Explain RR rotation with an example.(5 marks) 6 (a) What is Binary Search Tree (BST)? Construct a BST for the following numbers:
47, 55, 23, 17, 39, 11, 50, 9, 19, 74, 33, 28
Show all the steps.
Write its preorder traversal.
(8 marks)
6 (b) Explain threaded binary tree with an example. What is its advantage?(4 marks)

Solve any one question from Q7 and Q8

7 (a) Write a C function to implement 'Breadth First Search' traversal of a graph implemented using adjacency matrix.(6 marks) 7 (b) What do you mean by indegree and outdegree of a vertex in a graph? Write a C function to find indegree and outdegree of a vertex in a graph implemented using adjacency matrix.(7 marks) 8 (a) Define the term Graph. With the help of suitable example give adjacency matrix representation and adjacency list representation of the graph.(7 marks) 8 (b) What do you mean by spanning tree of a graph? Find the minimal spanning tree of the following graph using Prim's algorithm. (6 marks)

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