With the help of neat sketch explain the following terms with respect to gyroscope (i) Spin plane (ii) Precession axis (iii) Gyroscopic plane

Mumbai University > MECH > Sem 5 > Theory Of Machines 2

Marks: 6 M

Year: Dec 2014

1 Answer

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Spin Plane: The plane in which the wheel is intended to rotate is called spin plane. In the above figure, spin axis is along Y axis and hence spin plane is the X-Z plane.

Precession axis: The axis about which the spin axis itself is made to turn is called precession axis. In the above figure, precession axis is along X axis and hence precession plane is the Y-Z plane.

Gyroscopic plane: Wheel gives an unintentional rotation when it is made to precess. This effect is called gyroscopic effect. The axis about which this rotation occurs is called the gyroscopic axis and the plane in which this effect is observed is called gyroscopic plane.

In the above figure, gyroscopic axis is along Z axis and hence gyroscopic plane is the X-Y plane.

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