For following code what will be output generated by Pass-I and Pass-II for two pass assembler.

For following code what will be output generated by Pass-I and Pass-II for two pass assembler. Explain with database.

ABC     Start   O.
USING *, 15 
L   1, FIVE
A   1, FOUR 
ST  1, TEMP 
FOUR    DC  F'4' 

FIVE     Dc     F’5’
TEMP    DS  1F
1 Answer


  • Assembler is the language translator that accepts inputs as assembly language (ALP) and obtains its machine equivalent code (Object code) along with the information required by the loader.
  • ALP is low-level language .The execution of statements can be done line by line.
  • Diagram

enter image description here

  • Multipass assembler means more than one …

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