What is the equivalent length of a column? Give the ratio of the equivalent length and the actual length of the column with various end conditions.

Mumbai university > MECH > SEM 3 > Strength Of Materials

Marks: 5M

Year: Dec 2013

1 Answer

The equivalent or effective length is defined as the distance between two adjacent points of contra flexure on the column. The point of contra flexure is defined as the point on the column where the there is a change in the direction of the axis of the column.

It is the point where there is maximum bending moment experienced by the column.

The equivalent length of a column is usually given in terms of the actual length and depends upon the end conditions of the column.

Sr. No End Condition Relationship between the equivalent length and the actual length Diagram
1 Both Ends Hinged $L_e = L$ enter image description here
2 One End Fixed, Other End Free $L_e = 2L$ enter image description here
3 Both Ends Fixed $L_e = \frac{L}{2}$ enter image description here
4 One End Fixed, Other End Hinged $L_e = \frac{L}{\sqrt{2}}$ enter image description here
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