Discuss effluent standards and stream standards.
1 Answer

Stream Standards:-

  • The system is based on establishing classification or standard quality for a stream & regulating any discharge to the extent, necessary to maintain the established stream classification or quality

  • The primary objective of stream standards is to protect and preserve each stream for its best usage on a equitable basis for both upstream & downstream uses.

  • The stream standard system is the prevention of excessive pollution regardless of type of industry or other factors such as location of industry or municipality.

  • Pollution abutment should be considered in the decisions concerning location of a plant just as carefully as the laboures, transportation, market & other conditions.

  • It also allows the public to establish goals for maintaining quality of water for present as well for future needs.

Effluent Standards:-

  • They are generally established for the effluent from industry and municipality waste water treatment plant to be discharge into stream, land, sewer, ocean etc.

  • Effluent standard system is carried out to control the following stream standard system.

  • No detail stream analysis is required to determine exact amount of waste treatment, effluent standard can serve as a guide to establish the stream classification or during organization of any pollution abutment program.

  • Unless the effluent standards are upgraded, this system does not provide any effective protection for an over loaded stream.

  • Main disadvantage of this type of standards is that there is no control over total volume of polluting substances added to stream each day.

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