System Programming and Operating System : Question Paper Dec 2016 - Electronics & Telecomm (Semester 5) | Pune University (PU)
1 Answer

System Programming and Operating System - Dec 2016

Electronics & Telecom Engineering (Semester 5)

(1) Question 1 is compulsory.
(2) Attempt any four from the remaining questions.
(3) Assume data wherever required.
(4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Solve any one question.Q1(a,b,c) &Q2(a,b,c)

1(a) Explain the steps in program development.(7 marks) 1(b) Explain different assembly language statement with examples.(7 marks) 1(c) Explain with example use of Terminal and non-Terminal in representing language grammer.(6 marks) 2(a) What is the need for code optimization? Explain various code optimization techniques.(7 marks) 2(b) List different loading schemes and explain any one in details.(7 marks) 2(c) Explain lexical analysis and syntactical analysis with example.(6 marks)

Solve any one question.Q3(a,b,c) &Q4(a,b,c)

3(a) List different types of operating systems with examples. Explain in brief any 2 functions of operating system.(6 marks) 3(b) Explain various states of process with diagram.(6 marks) 3(c) Consider the following processes where Arrival and Burst time are as shown below

Process Burst  Time Arrival time
P1 06 0
P2 04 1
P3 07 3
p4 02 5

Calculate the Average Waiting Time and Average Turn-arround Time if the processes are sheduled using FCFS.(6 marks) 4(a) Draw and Explain Many to One, One to One and Many to Many multithreading models.(6 marks) 4(b) Draw and explain process control block.(6 marks) 4(c) Find out the safe sequence for execution of 4 processes using Bankers algorithm. Maximum Resources: R1=5,
Allocation Matrix
  R1 R2
P1 1 0
P2 1 1
P3 1 2
P4 1 1

Maximum Requirement Matrix
  R1 R2
P1 1 1
P2 2 3
P3 2 2
P4 3 2
(6 marks)

Solve any one question.Q5(a,b,c) &Q6(a,b,c)

5(a) List the page replacement algorithms. Explain LRU with example.(6 marks) 5(b) Explain the techniques of managing memory using First fit, best fit and worst fit with suitable example.(6 marks) 5(c) Define segmentation and its advantages(4 marks) 6(a) Explain the design issues for paging.(6 marks) 6(b) Cosider the following Page reference string:1,2,3,4,2,3,4,5,6,7,3,2,4. The number of page frames=4, calculate the page faults and the hit ration for First In First Out Page replacement algorithm.(6 marks) 6(c) Explain demand paging with advantages.(4 marks)

Solve any one question.Q7(a,b,c) &Q8(a,b,c)

7(a) Explain Input/Output software layers.(6 marks) 7(b) Explain Linux Ext2 I-node with diagram.(6 marks) 7(c) List the different file operations. Explain access rights in file sharing.(4 marks) 8(a) Write short note on RAID disk and optical disk (CD and DVD).(6 marks) 8(b) Explain memory mapped I/O and direct memory access.(6 marks) 8(c) Explain different directory structures and directory operations.(4 marks)

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