Consider the following database with minimum support count=60%. Find all frequent item set using Apriori and also generate strong association roles if minimum confidence = 50%.

enter image description here -

1 Answer

Support count = 60%

x/5 * 100 = 50

x = 3

Step 1: Generating 1-itemset frequent pattern

Scan D for count of each candidate

C1 enter image description here

Compare candidate support count with minimum support count

L1 enter image description here

Step 2 : Generate C2- itemset Frequent Pattern

Generate C2 candidate from L1

C2 enter image description here

Compare candidate support count with minimum support count

L2 enter image description here

Step 3: Generating 3- item set Frequent Pattern

C3 enter image description here

Compare candidate support count with minimum support count

L3 enter image description here

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