Write short notes on any three of the following:

Write short notes on any three of the following:

i) Types of Reading

ii) Proxemics

iii) SQ3R

1 Answer

1) Types of Reading:

  • Extensive reading: Extensive reading is one of the methods of reading that people use for relaxation and pleasure. Extensive reading lays more emphasis on fluency and less on accuracy. It usually involves reading for pleasure and is more of an out-of-classroom activity. This method of reading helps you understand words in context and enriches your vocabulary. This is one of the methods of reading that occurs naturally.

  • INTENSIVE READING: Intensive reading is used when we want to read carefully by paying complete attention to understand every word of the text. It is where we would examine and decipher each unfamiliar word or expression. Intensive reading is far more time-consuming. It involves close reading that aims at the accuracy of comprehension. In this the reader has to understand the meaning of each and every word.

  • Skimming: Skimming is a great way to get a broad idea of the topic being discussed. This method is generally used to judge whether the information is useful or not. In this we try to understand the text in short. In skimming the reader doesn’t pronounce each and every word of the text but focuses their attention on the main theme or the core of the text. Examples : reading magazines or newspapers or searching for a name in a telephone directory.

  • Scanning: In this reading a reader search for a particular piece of information. Scanning involves the technique of rejecting or ignoring irrelevant information from the text to locate a specific piece of information. It is one of those kinds of reading where we read to search for a particular piece of information. Scanning involves rapid reading and is often used by researchers and for writing reviews.

  • CRITICAL READING: In critical reading the facts and information are tested for accuracy. In this the readers take a look at the ideas mentioned and analyze them untill they reach a conclusion. Critical reading is often used when reading the news on social media, watching controversial advertisements, or reading periodicals.

2) Proxemics: Proxemics is the study of space and how we use it, how it makes us feel more or less comfortable, and how we arrange objects and ourselves in relation to space. Proxemics is a type of nonverbal communication involving how we deal with the environment around us.

Edward T. Hall who is cultural anthropologist defined proxemics as the interrelated observations and theories of humans use of space as a specialized elaboration of culture. The relevance of proxemics in the communication process is to set the tone with others about how close someone perceives the relationship to be. This nonverbal cue can set the tone for the type of verbal communication people will have.

Personal Territory involved in Proxemics :

  • Personal Territory: In personal territory we need to discuss different kinds of spaces. There are four kinds of distance that people generally use they're:-

a) Personal space: Personal space is for interactions among good friends or family. In this you're probably about 1 - 4 feet away from someone.

b) Public space: Public space is used for public speaking. In this you're probably about 12 - 25 feet away.

c) Social space: This is the kind of space you're probably in if you're talking to a colleague or a customer at work. In this you're probably about 4 - 12 feet away.

d) Intimate space: Intimate space is for embracing, touching. It is for people who you are very close to us. In this you're probably about less than one inch.

3) SQ3R: SQ3R is useful strategy aids reading comprehension and is especially helpful for reading difficult textbook material. SQ3R is a reading comprehension method named for its five steps: survey, question, read, recite, and review. It was created for college students, but is useful for young students as well. Classrooms all over the world have begun using this method to better understand what they are reading.

The Five Steps In SQ3R are as follows:

  • Survey: In survey step one should resist the temptation to read the book and instead first go through a chapter and note the headings, sub-headings and other outstanding features, such as figures, tables, marginal information, and summary paragraphs. The survey process typically takes 5-10 minutes.

  • Question: Question step is use of questions to guide your reading. For example, convert headings and sub-headings into questions, and then look for answers in the content of the text. By asking questions main purpose is to create a purpose for reading because you are looking for the answer to the question.

  • Read: In read step the person reads one section at a time with their questions in mind and look for the answers. This means reading in order to answer the questions.

  • Recite: In recite step after reading the readers focuses at the questions they created or those at the end of the chapter. It is important that the reader use their own words in order to formulate and conceptualize the material. The readers should try recalling and identifying major points and answers to questions.

  • REVIEW: Once you reach the end of the passage, review the material by repeating back to yourself main points of the passage using your own words. Review step helps to remember things more clearly.

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