Explain different types of tree traversals technique with examples. Also write recursive function for each traversal technique
1 Answer
  1. To traverse a binary tree means to visit each node of the tree exactly once in a systematic fashion.

  2. Binary tree is non-linear data structure. Hence, we can’t traverse it like a linked list is a sequential manner but it requires a different approach.

  3. We mainly have three algorithms for traversing binary tree. A. Pre-order Traversal

    B. In-order Traversal

    C. Post-order Traversal

  4. Consider the Tree

enter image description here

  1. Pre-order traversal:-To traverse a non-empty binary tree by pre-order method, the following operations are performed recursively until all nodes are visited: i. Visit the root node. ii. Traverse the left sub-tree fully. iii. Traverse the right sub-tree.

    The pre-order traversal of above tree is A,Q,W,Z,C,H,G,D

         void printPreorder(struct Node* node) 
                if (node == NULL) 
                /* first print data of node */
                cout << node->data << " "; 
                /* then recur on left sutree */
                /* now recur on right subtree */
  2. In-order Traversal:- To traverse a non-empty binary tree by in-order method, the following operations are performed recursively until all nodes are visited:

i. Traverse the left sub-tree.

ii. Now, visit the root node.

iii. Then, finally traverse the right sub-tree.

The in-order traversal of the tree is Q, Z, W, C, A, H, D, G

void printInorder(struct Node* node) 
            if (node == NULL) 

            /* first recur on left child */

            /* then print the data of node */
            cout << node->data << " "; 

            /* now recur on right child */
  1. Post-Order traversal:- To traverse a non-empty binary tree by post-order method, the following operations are performed recursively until all nodes are visited:

i. Traverse the left sub-tree.

ii. Now, move to the right sub tree

iii. Then, finally visit the root node.

The post-order traversal of the tree is Z, C, W, Q, D, G, H, A

void printPostorder(struct Node* node) 
            if (node == NULL) 

            // first recur on left subtree 

            // then recur on right subtree 

            // now deal with the node 
            cout << node->data << " "; 
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