What is SNMP proxy server?

Subject: Telecom Network Management

Topic: Internet Management(SNMP)

Difficulty: Medium

1 Answer

SNMP Proxy Server: - i. The SNMPv2 proxy server configuration is shown in Figure12.

ii. The requests to and responses from, as well as traps from, SNMPv2 agents are processed by the SNMPv2 manager with no changes.

iii. A proxy server is implemented as a front-end module to the SNMPv2 manager for communication with SNMPv1 agents.

SNMP Proxy Server Configuration

SNMP Proxy Server Configuration

iv. Figure13 details the conversions that are done by an SNMP v2—v1 proxy server.

v. The get-Request, GetNextRequest-PDU, and Set-Request-PDU from the SNMPv2 manager are passed through unaltered by the proxy server.

vi. There are two modifications done to the GetBulkRequest PDU. The values for the two fields, non-repeaters and max-repetitions, are set to zero and transmitted as GetNextRequest PDU.

vii. The GetResponse from SNMPvI is passed through unaltered by the proxy server to the SNMPv2 manager, unless a response has a tooBigError value.

viii. In the exception case, the contents of the variable-binding field are removed before propagating the response.

ix. The trap from the SNMPvI agent is prepended with two VarBind fields, sysUpTime.0 and snmpTrapOID.0, with their associated values and then passed on to the SNMPv2 manager as SNMPv2-Trap PDU.

SNMP v2-v1 Proxy Server

SNMP v2-v1 Proxy Server

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