Write and draw basic amplifier showing important parameter
1 Answer

The linear amplifier are designed to amplify the analog signals. Analog signals are the signals the magnitude can take any value and signal can vary continuously with time.

enter image description here

A linear amplifier is then supposed to multiply the i/p signal by a constant to produce the o/p. This multiplying factor is greater than I and called as “gain” of the amplifier.

Block diagram

enter image description here

In order to magnify the input signal Vs, all the amplifiers need a source of energy. This may be provided by energy. This may be provided by a battery or a dc power supply. The dc power supply is also essential for biasing BJT.

The amplifier should contain at least one active device such as a transistor or field effect transistor (FET) or an operational amp (OP- AMP)

If a transistor is used then it should be biased in the active region.

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