Write a short note on : Reinforced Cement Concrete (RCC)
1 Answer

Reinforced cement concrete (R.C.C) is the combination of ordinary concrete with the reinforcement to increase its compressive and tensile strength to a great extent.

Concrete is a versatile material for modern construction which is prepared by mixing together well-proportioned quantities of cement(even lime in some cases), sand, crushed rock or gravel and water.

It has been used from foundations to the rooftops of buildings, in the construction of highways roads traffic, and hydro-power tunnels, irrigation canals, drains, and all other conceivable structures.

Advantages of Reinforced Concrete (RCC) : There are 100s of advantages of Reinforced Concrete, but here we will discuss some important properties of Reinforced Concrete.

(i) Structures made from Reinforced Concrete are durable.

(ii) It has a high compressive strength (due to concrete).

(iii) It has a high tensile strength (due to reinforcement).

(iv) It is resistant to fire and other climate changes.

(v) Easily available almost anywhere in the world.

(vi) Too much expertise is not required for working on it, normal skilled labor can also do it.

(vii) It can be molded in any form, shape.

(viii) It can be used in any part of the structure i.e., from foundation to the top roofing.

(ix) Repairing cost is almost nil.

(x) It is more economical compared to other materials.

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