Differentiate between paging system and cordless telephone system. (any four points)
1 Answer
Sr. No. Parameter Paging system cordless telephone system.
1 Coverage Range Since paging covers a limited range of 2 to 5 km Typical second generation base stations provide coverage range up to a few hundred meters.
2 Operation Paging system transmits the message known as page along with paging system access number throughout the service area using base station on a radio link. Early cordless telephones operate solely as extension telephones to a transreciever connected to a subscriber line on the PSTN but modern cordless telephones are sometimes combined with paging receivers so that a subscriber may first be paged and then respond to the page using the cordless telephone
3 System requiremen t PSTN, paging control center satellite links and paging receivers. Though paging receivers are simple and inexpensive, the transmission system required is quite sophisticated. Cordless Telephone Systems are systems that use radio to connect aportable handset to a dedicated base station, which is also connected to a dedicated telephone line with a specific telephone number on PSTN.
4 Application s Pager is most useful option of one way communication and provides value added services such as sports line, news line, helpline, bilingual paging and intercity paging. Cordless telephone system includes residential cordless setups, public telepoint systems and wireless PBX and key systems.
5 Communic ation System Simplex Full Duplex
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