A large city with an area of 1500 km 2 is covered with a 12- cell system each cell with a radius of 1.387 km each.

If the total spectrum allocated is 28.5 MHz with a full duplex channel bandwidth of 25 MHz. How many cell sites would be required assuming regular hexagonal shaped cells?

Subject : Mobile Communication

Topic : Cellular Communication System

Difficulty : Medium

1 Answer

Total Area : $1500 km^2$

Size of cluster K= $12 \ cells$

Radius of each cell R = $1.387 \ km$

Area of hexagonal cell =$2.6*R^2$

= $2.6*(1.387)^2$

= $5.00 \ km^2$

Therefore total no of cells sites required to cover entire area = $\frac {Total \ area }{Cell \ area}$

= $\frac {1500 }{5}$ = $300$

Therefore, 300 cell sites would be required for covering the entire area.

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