Define noise figure and noise factor

Subject: Priniciples of Communication Engineering

Difficulty : Medium

Marks : 05

1 Answer

Noise factor (f)

It is defined as ratio of signal to noise ratio at the input to signal to noise ratio at the output of the receiver. Ideally value of F is 1 for a receiver. SNR at the input is always higher than SNR at the output hence practically noise factor will be greater than 1.

Noise factor (f) = $\frac{SNR \ at \ the \ input}{SNR \ at \ the \ output}$

Noise figure (NF)

If the noise factor is expressed in decibels then it is called noise figure (NF)

NF = 10 log (Noise Factor)

NF = 10 log $\frac{SNR \ at \ the \ input}{SNR \ at \ the output}$

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