Advanced Data Management Technology Question Paper - May 18 - Information Technology (Semester 5) - Mumbai University (MU)
1 Answer

Advanced Data Management Technology - May 18

Information Technology (Semester 5)

Total marks: 80
Total time: 3 Hours
(1) Question 1 is compulsory.
(2) Attempt any three from the remaining questions.
(3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary.

1.a. Explain concept of a View in SQL
(5 marks) 00

1.b. What is the role of Metadata in data warehouse
(5 marks) 00

1.c. Use Figure-1 and write SQL query to retrieve the name of each employee who has a dependent with the same first name and is the name sex as the employee
(5 marks) 00

1.d. What is Write-Ahead Logging and when is it used?
(5 marks) 00

2.a. Explain the ARIES Recovery Algorithm with suitable example.
(10 marks) 00

2.b. Explain Star Schema. Draw Star Schema for Supermarket.
(10 marks) 00

3.a. Explain Multilevel Indexes with suitable example
(10 marks) 00

3.b. Explain Data Warehouse architecture in detail.
(10 marks) 00

4.a. Explain OLAP Operations in Multidimensional Data Model with suitable example.
(10 marks) 00

4.b. ) Explain Query Processing and Optimization in Distributed Databases.
(10 marks) 00

5.a. Explain the concept, Immediate Data Extraction and Deferred Data Extraction in data warehouse with suitable example.
(10 marks) 00

5.b. List and explain Data Fragmentation in distributed databases.
(10 marks) 00

6.a. There are two levels for assigning privileges to use the database system: i)The account level and ii) The relation/table level. Give example of each considering the database shown in Figure-1 .
(5 marks) 00

6.b. Write short note on "SQL injection".
(5 marks) 00

6.c. What is multiple granularity locking> Under what circumstances is it used?
(5 marks) 00

6.d. Suppose we want to check whenever an employee's salary is greater than the salary of his or her direct supervisor is the COMPANY database shown in Figure-1 . Several events can trigger this rule : inserting a new employee record, changing an employee's salary, or changing an employee's supervisor.
(5 marks) 00

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