Static and Dynamic Testing Tool
1 Answer

Static Testing Tool

For static testing, there are static program analysers which scan the source program and detect possible faults and anomalies. These static tools parse the program text, recognize the various sentences, and detect the following:

  • Statements are well-formed.
  • Inferences about the control flow of the program.
  • Compute the set of all possible values for program data.

Static tools perform the following types of static analysis:

Control flow analysis: This analysis detects loops with multiple exits and entry points and unreachable code.

Data use analysis: It detects all types of data faults.

Interface analysis: It detects all interface faults. It also detects functions which are never declared and never called or function results that are never used.

Path analysis: It identifies all possible paths through the program the program's control.

Dynamic Testing Tools

These tools support the following:

$\rightarrow$Dynamic testing activities

$\rightarrow$Many a time, systems are difficult to test because several operations are being performed concurrently. In such cases, it is difficult to anticipate conditions and generate representative test cases. Automated test tools enable the test team to capture the state of events during the execution of a program by preserving a snapshot of the conditions. These tools are sometimes called program monitors. The monitors perform the following functions:

  • List the number of times a component is called or a line of code is executed This information about the statement or path coverage of their test cases is used by testers.
  • Report on whether a decision point has branched in all directions, thereby providing information about branch coverage.
  • Report summary statistics providing a high-level view of the percentage of statements, paths, and branches that have been covered by the collective set of test cases run. This information is important when test objectives are stated in terms of coverage.
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