Compare IS-95, WCDMA and CDMA 2000 with respect to channel bandwidth, chip rate, modulation schemes, data rates and frame size.
1 Answer
Technology IS-95 WCDMA Cdma 2000
Year of First Use 1995 2001 2000
Generation 2G 3G 3G
Channel Bandwidth 1.25 MHz 5MHz 1.25MHz
Chip rate 1.228 Mcps (Megachips per second) 3.84 Mcps 1x: 1.2288 Mcps,

3x: 3.6864 Mcps | | Data rate | 14.4 kbps - IS-95A ; 115 kbps - IS-95B | 384 kbps | 144 kbps | | Modulation Schemes | CDMA | QPSK, BPSK | 16 QPSK | | Frame size | 20ms | 10ms | 5ms, 10ms or 20ms | | Multiple Access | CDMA | CDMA | CDMA/TDMA | | Power Control Frequency | 500Hz | 1500 Hz | 800 Hz | | Handoff | Soft | Soft | Soft | | Voice and Data at the same time | No | Yes | Not for EVDO , Yes for EVDV | Cdma2000: The bandwidth supported are 1.25 MHz, 3.75 MHz, 7.5 MHz, 11.25 MHz and 15 MHz. cdma2000 uses a base spreading rate of of 1.2288 MHz. The spreading rates are 1.2288 * N Mcps. 

WCDMA: The bandwidth supported by WCDMA are 5, 10 and 20 MHz. W-CDMA uses a base spreading rate of 4.096 MHz. 

EVDO is Evolution of Data Only with EVDO=1*RTT (Radio Transmission Technology) and in this only data can be evolved.

While EVDV is Evolution of Data and Voice with EVDV=3*RTT and in this voice and data can be evolved simultaneously.

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